Oran – Our New Garden

We have moved! Our new home, hopefully for a substantial period of time, is in Oran, Algeria. Our employer has provided us (me, husband, two cats) with accommodation in a huge villa which we share with another teacher. Our villa comes with a lovely garden. There’s an orchard with a fig tree, a pear tree, something I failed to identify, and a tree that bears either lemons or oranges. We’ll find out in a few weeks.

On the other side of the house, there’s the flower garden with roses, lots of climbing plants and this:

If you know what species this is, please leave a comment. Also, if you’re interested in anything in particular about life in Algeria, let me know.

1 thought on “Oran – Our New Garden

  1. Gas klingt ja alles sehr sehr interessant und vergnüglich. Die Pflanze sieht äußerst spannend aus, wie sie heißt wissen wir natürlich nicht. Sind jedoch sehr darauf gespannt, es zu erfahren.

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